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Zombies, Lilliputians and Sadists: The Power of the Living Dead and the Future of Australia

Frankel, Boris
ISBN: 1920731229 Category:


1 in stock


 In this brilliant and original interpretation of contemporary Australian society, the iconoclastic writer, Boris Frankel, not only subverts conventional notions of this society, but also offers a host of alternative policy suggestions. He criticizes Australia’s outdated and short-sighted Left and Right social and political movers and shakers and shines a bright and unflattering light on Australia’s major political and social institutions including a devastating critique of Australia’s educational system. Zombies’ ideas and frameworks are stuck in a bygone era – they are politically and culturally marginalized, the walking dead. Lilliputians are more influential and extol new technology and a raft of policies that they see as cutting edge. They see the ideas championed by zombies as obsolete but are oblivious to how their own ideas are short-sighted and small-minded. Sadists in sharp contrast to zombies are powerful.


Additional Information

AuthorFrankel, Boris
Number of pages336 p. : 23 cm.
PublisherFremantle Arts Centre Press
Year Published2004
Binding Type


Book Condition


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